Saturday, February 23, 2013

Few Reminders...

Have I mentioned that I am no paranormal? Should have I left this one little detail behind, I honestly can't remember.  But yes, I am not a psychic nor am I a paranormal.  I don't see ghosts, I can't see the future, nor could I even travel the distant past.

Yet here I am, exploring the depths of esoteric.  Something that can't be seen by the naked eye magnetizes the altitudes of my curiosity.  I may not be one of them special beings, but there's just something about it that piques my interests quite deep.  Hence, I bought my oracle deck, The Oracle of Shadows and Light.

For those of you who follow me, you may have read about My First Reading.  I admit, I was excited to share my experiences as a greenhorn in the field (hence, the post).  But I'd like to induce a little of organization in this little realm of mine.  That's why I'd like to start with the basics and discuss some few important things before or when you're conducting a reading.

1. When consulting an oracle deck, remember that you're entering an oracular space.  In this sacred space, there is no past, present, or future --  there's only but pure energy that can be rewoven in the oracular moment.

2. Where is this sacred place you ask? You may create one.  Escape from realism by temporarily forgetting about all things material.  For instance, get away from the internet, keep your phone away, turn off the television, etc.

3. It would help if you can light up a candle.  Be also mindful about candle colors, choose the one that suits your intention.  I'll talk more about candle colors in a separate post.

4. Before you even begin shuffling the cards, close your eyes first and take three deep breaths.  Relax your body and calm your mind.

5. My oracle deck is quite of a social deck.  The more you interact with it, the more it's gonna trust you.  Therefore, it's very essential that you build a strong relationship with your deck.  You may take your deck anywhere you go, sleep beside it, or talk to it from time to time.  Sounds sissy?  Perhaps.  But I do that, and I felt more bonded with my cards.

6. Avoid being too hungry as card reading takes a lot of energy.

7. Take time in interpreting your readings.  Write them down in a journal to discover some helpful patterns.

Above all the things I mentioned, the most important advice I could give is that you weave your own fate. There is nobody else accounted for your own life but yourself.  The strands of your life ultimately depends on how you weave or reweave them.

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