I know this is completely off-topic, but I ABSOLUTELY HAVE GOT TO POST THIS!
Yes! Disney released an all-new and *eherm* sparkly look of their Disney Princesses this year. Let's take a look.
From left to right: we have Snow White, Mulan, Princess Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty), Belle (from Beauty and the Beast), Tiana (from The Princess and the Frog), Rapunzel (from Tangled), Ariel (of Little Mermaid), Cinderella, Jasmine (of movie Aladdin), and Pocahontas. *whew*
It's not like they've made a total do-over, just minor revisions here and there. What struck me the most -- and for sure you ain't gonna miss it too -- are the shiny ensembles which almost blinded me. :P
Belle truly upholds her name of being such a regal beauty. I appreciate Disney for making her more stunning and drop-dead gorgeous. The improvements in Ariel's and Jasmine's outfits are impressive as well, I'd say I like their new looks better, too. On the other hand, I feel a bit disappointed on Mulan (who's my second fave DP by the way). Disney could've done better improvements on her (*sobs*). Nothing much to change on Tiana and Rapunzel -- understandably so -- as the new additions in our list of DPs. And thank God for Pocahontas' tamed guise. Scintillated outfit is unsuitable for a Powhatan Indian princess after all. Instead, her native dress is embellished with rhinestones and feathers that matched her necklace and earrings. You can also see noticeable changes in Cinderella and Princess Aurora. Glad to see Disney have updated their looks, especially their hairstyles, to fit this era's taste. Too bad I can't say the same for Snow White, though they've finally replaced that ridiculous old red headband where its ribbon is right on the center.
Overall, the changes weren't so bad. But being a child of the 90's, there's that part of me that wished they'd just stay the same. They are, Disney classics after all.